Cindy Abbott
Guide & Booking Manager

Our Dream a Dream Guide & Booking Manager, Cindy Abbott, hails from Beatrice, Nebraska and is one of three people in the world, and the first woman to have both summited Mount Everest and completed the Iditarod® sled dog race.
Conquering Mount Everest
After being diagnosed with Wegener’s granulomatosis, an extremely rare autoimmune disorder that can restrict blood flow as a result of inflammation of the vascular system, Cindy Abbott, a 20-year Science Professor at Cal State University Fullerton, decided to make a change. Cindy started by trudging 29,029 feet up the highest mountain on Earth, summiting Mount Everest in May of 2010.

Next, the Iditarod ©
After extensive training Cindy completed the Iditarod Sled Dog Race in 2015 and 2017 using Dream a Dream sled dogs. She was awarded the “Red Lantern – the Last Official Finisher” for each year. There are only 850 Official Finishers in the 51 year history of the Iditarod Race, so an amazing accomplishment by Cindy. She and her husband Larry have now moved to Alaska where they built a beautiful home in Willow. Cindy has retired from racing sled dogs and she fully acknowledges the Iditarod changed her life for the better.

Living the Dream
Cindy has retired from racing the Iditarod but she still enjoys driving our sled dogs for fun. She works with and helps care for our dogs and pups on a daily basis. Cindy is an excellent guide, presenter and role model for our guests.
Reaching Beyond the Clouds
Challenging herself and inspiring others is now part of Cindy’s life through motivational speaking. Visitors to Dream a Dream can tell how much the sled dogs love her! You can learn more about Cindy, her challenges, and her amazing accomplishments at
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